The following are the rules under which the Oxford Brewers Homebrewing Competitions take place.
- ENTERING: Everyone is free to enter. Only one entry per person. Any brewing technique is allowed. Please bring 2L of your brew on competition day. Although strongly encouraged, you do not have to be present on that day if you can find someone to bring your beer. To stimulate further discussions after judging, please bring a printout of your recipe.
- JUDGING: Anyone present at the tasting can be a judge if they elect to; you do not have to brew to be a judge, you do not have to taste all the beers if you are a judge. Judges receive 0.1L of each brew. Rating follows the conventional score sheet, and is based on 5 criteria: Aroma (12 pts), Appearance (3pts), Flavor (20pts), Mouthfeel (5pts), that are to be judged w.r.t. the style, and Overall Impression (10pts), totaling 50 points. For each criterion and each beer, you’ll be given the opportunity to provide a comment. Score sheets will be provided.
- WINNER: The winner will receive the admiration of the crowd, and be called The Brew Master until we forget about this. Participants are welcome to bring prizes (e.g., in bottled form) on competition night, that will be distributed to the top-scoring brewers.
- LEFTOVERS: You maintain ownership of the leftover bottles, although swapping is encouraged.
- REMINDERS: Three reminders will be sent, the last one two weeks before the event, still leaving you enough time to brew.
- AFFILIATION: This contest is not affiliated with any national or international homebrewing organization; judging therein does not count towards any point scheme.
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